Early Registration: August 02, 2021
Locations: Georgia | California | Washington, DC | Florida | New York
Camp Registration | Refer-A-friend!!!
Overnight Camp 2022
Overnight Camp 2022
Academic Enrichment Learning
Science . Technology . Engineering . Mathematics
Academic Enrichment Learning
Science . Technology . Engineering . Mathematics
Our overnight camp program, campers ages (7-15) solve real-world problems, interactive and various hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Meet new friends and explore many city attractions, local cuisine, careers & research study program.
Accommodation: Housing, Meal, Transportation & CityPass. Registration: $500 min. Deposit
Summer: *Upcoming* | Fee: $2135 | Fee: $4270 | Fee:$10,675
Georgia | Dates: 04/04 - 04/08 | Fee: $700
California | Dates: 03/21 - 03/25 | Fee: $700
Washington, DC | Dates: 04/11 - 04/15 | Fee: $700
Florida | Dates: 03/21 - 03/25 | Fee: $700
New York | Dates: 04/15 - 04/22 | Fee: $700
Monthly payments available.
Activities: BYOD LAN | Robotics | Sports | Swimming | Hiking | Canoeing | Paintball | Fishing | Kayaking & More!!!

7:45 - 8: 20AM Early Morning Wake Up
8:20 - 8:30AM Breakfast Prep
8:30 - 9:15AM Breakfast
9:15 - 9:30AM Morning Greetings & Warm-Up
9:30 - 10:15AM Introduction
10:15 - 11:15AM Session 1 (Small Group)
11:15 - 12:15PM Session 2 (Small Group)
12:15 - 12:25PM Lunch Prep
12:25 - 1:00PM Lunch
1:00 - 1:30PM Rest
1:30 - 2:00PM Clean Up
2:00 -3:00PM Session 3 (Small Group)
3:00 -4:00PM Session 4 (Small Group)
4:00 -5:00PM Snack & Mail
5:00 -6:00PM Session 5 (Small Group)
6:00 - 6:15PM Dinner Prep
6:15 - 7:00PM Dinner
7:00 -7:45PM Last Hour (Large Group)
7:45 - 8:15PM Snack
8:15 - 9:00PM Evening Gathering
9:00 - 10:00PM Showers
10:00 - 10:30PM Lights Out!!!
Schedule Various due to inclement weather & sessions.

- How do I register & pay for camp?
Complete & submit camp registration form online. Once payment received, an email confirmation sent to the email provided.
- How Do I Pay My Remaining Balance?
Remaining balance due on or before deadline. Payments can be made by phone or online, click the link sent to the email provided.
- What To Bring?
Please review items with child, labels and checklist.
- Camp Mail:
Mail is important & a big part of our program. Families and friends can email or send postal mail to campers. Campers are welcome to purchase postcard to send back to friends & families. Please send mail to: 570 Piedmont Ave #55191
Atlanta, GA | 30308
- In Case Of An Emergency:
24 Hours emergency office phone number 404.668.3437. Unable to contact one of our friendly representatives. Please leave a voicemail or text 404.668.3437 with a detail message. Camper will be notified as so as possible, for safety, passcode or security answer needed for confirmation. .